6D23 Lazy G Red Obsession $ 25 Tuscarora Kuervo |
SC Brook Born 07-23-2016 b/w 45 lbs If you are looking for something outside the Bluey line this is the answer! This Red outcross fullblood American Aberdeen bull is currently being used on our fullblood red and red carrier cows. We have... >More Details, Pictures and Pedigree |
2J1 Lazy G Rubicon U25 Lazy G Infra-Red |
Lazy G Cleo 4E18 Born 02-07-2021 b/w 46 lbs Red fullblood bull sired by Lazy G Infrared >More Details, Pictures and Pedigree |
W 209 Lazy G Red Dawn Vitulus Awesome Red |
Lazy G Tania A111 Born 06-02-2009 Probably one of the best Awesome red cows out there. She's has given us some great calves both red and black. She's currently bred to LG Red Obsession, so expect a red calf in 2022. >More Details, Pictures and Pedigree |
4Y15 Lazy G Selena Lazy G Red by Design (Rudy) |
W 202 Lazy G Scarlett Born 04-12-2011 b/w 49 lbs Red cow sired by Lazy G Red by Design out of a full sister to the high selling heifer at the 2010 NWSS who is out of SC Brook and LGL Bluey. >More Details, Pictures and Pedigree |
7D25 Lazy G Cleo 7B26 7D25 3B2 Lazy G Awestruck |
7B26 Lazy G Cleo Born 07-16-2016 b/w 41 lbs Red fullblood cow sired by Lazy G Awestruck out of 7B26 Lazy G Cleo >More Details, Pictures and Pedigree |
4E18 Lazy G Cleo 7B26 4E18 3B2 Lazy G Awestruck |
7B26 Lazy G Cleo Born 04-26-2017 b/w 42 lbs Red fullblood cow sired by Awestruck out of 7B26 Lazy G Cleo >More Details, Pictures and Pedigree |
Lazy G Jade Goan Wandoo II |
Top of the Range Opal Born 11-29-2005 Jade has been one of our foundation cows. She's very deep bodied and throws excellent calves. She has a black/red carrier bull calf at side sired by LG Red Obsession. No Bluey on either side of the calf's... >More Details, Pictures and Pedigree |
Lazy G Sadie Murrumbong Roulette |
Brambletye Silver Spur Born 04/06/2006 b/w 57 lbs A outstanding fullblood cow sired by Murrumbong Roulette! She was very competitive on the show circuit, including 2nd place (out of 10) at the 2006 Nile in Billings, Mt plus 2nd in her class (of 10) at... >More Details, Pictures and Pedigree |
U3 Lazy G Rachel Murrumbong LGL Bluey |
The Glebe Phillipa Born 02-27-2008 b/w 38 lbs This fullblood cow was very competitive in the show ring and is now out-producing herself. We're very please to own this Bluey daughter. >More Details, Pictures and Pedigree |
6A10 Lazy G Jade Lazy G Beau |
Lazy G Jade Born 06-01-2013 b/w 41 lbs Beautiful black heifer sired by Lazy G Beau >More Details, Pictures and Pedigree |
5B12 Lazy G Susanna W 207 Lazy G Red Label |
Murrumbong Susan Born 05-13-2014 b/w 46 lbs >More Details, Pictures and Pedigree |
3C5 Lazy G Rozlyn W 207 Lazy G Red Label |
Top of the Range Rozlyn Born 03-28-2015 b/w 44 lbs Red gene carrier cow out of Australian import. She's been confirmed bred to LG Red Obsession a Tuscarora Kuervo son. She has a great future in either a black or red herd. >More Details, Pictures and Pedigree |
4E11 Lazy G Rozlyn 3C5 4E11 Vitulus Has to be Red |
3C5 Lazy G Rozlyn Born 04-09-2017 b/w 41 lbs Nice black heifer who carries the true red gene from her sire-Vitulus Has to be Red! One of the few Vitulus Has to be Red, red carriers here in the states out of 3C5 Lazy G Rozlyn. Will be a real ass >More Details, Pictures and Pedigree |
7E32 Lazy G Susan 7E32 5B18 Lazy G Undercover Red |
Murrumbong Susan Born 07-22-2017 b/w 46 lbs Beautiful black fullblood heifer sired by Lazy G Undercover Red out of a Australian import, Murrumbong Susan. >More Details, Pictures and Pedigree |
4F8 Lazy G Vanetta 4F8 U25 Lazy G Infra-Red |
Top of the Range Vanetta Born 04-09-2018 b/w 43 lbs Another nice fullblood cow sired by Lazy G Infrared out of Top of the Range Vanetta, a cow we imported from Australia. >More Details, Pictures and Pedigree |
4F9 Lazy G Tania 4F9 6D23 Lazy G Red Obsession |
Lazy G Tania A111 Born 04-10-2018 b/w 44 lbs Beautiful black red carrier fullblood heifer! >More Details, Pictures and Pedigree |
5G18 Lazy G Lucinda 5Z10 5G18 5B18 Lazy G Undercover Red |
5Z10 Lazy G Lucinda Born 05-01-2019 b/w 44 lbs Good looking black fullblood heifer! >More Details, Pictures and Pedigree |
4E15 Lazy G Renegade Judo Ichiro |
4C21 Lazy G Free Red Born 04-16-2017 Akaushi X Aberdeen cross bull >More Details, Pictures and Pedigree |
4C21 Lazy G Free Red W 207 Lazy G Red Label |
Simmental Cow Born 04-15-2015 b/w 60 lbs This red Moderator cow sired by Lazy G Red Label out of a red Simmental cow. >More Details, Pictures and Pedigree |
Lazy G Show Girl Murrumbong LGL Bluey |
Rose - Shorthorn cross Born 09-25-2011 This 'front pasture' is one of the nicest red roan moderator+ cows out there. >More Details, Pictures and Pedigree |
3E1 Lazy G Free 3E1 U25 Lazy G Infra-Red |
Simmental Cow Born 03-20-2017 b/w 60 lbs Nice half blood heifer with some great carcass genetics >More Details, Pictures and Pedigree |
4E17 Lazy G Be Red 2C3 4E17 Judo Ichiro |
2C3 Lazy G Be Red Born 04-23-2017 b/w 58 lbs Akaushi X Lowline heifer >More Details, Pictures and Pedigree |
5E19 Lazy G Maddie 5B17 5E19 3B2 Lazy G Awestruck |
5B17 Lazy G Maddy Born 05-01-2017 b/w 66 lbs 3/4 Aberdeen cow bred to Lazy G Renegade for an early summer calf. >More Details, Pictures and Pedigree |
4G3 Lazy G Ginger 7E30 4G3 4E15 Lazy G Renegade |
7E30 Lazy G Ginger 7E30 Born 04-02-2019 b/w 66 lbs Red 3/8ths heifer sired by Lazy G Renegade a 50% Akaushi X 25% Aberdeen, 25% Simmental out of a Lazy G Infrared daughter-great marbling genetics!!!!! >More Details, Pictures and Pedigree |
5F26 Lazy G Maddy 5B17 5F26 5B18 Lazy G Undercover Red |
5B17 Lazy G Maddy Born 05-26-2018 b/w 53 lbs Beautiful Black Moderator heifer sired by Lazy G Undercover Red. >More Details, Pictures and Pedigree |
4G7 Lazy G Vanetta Z43 4G7 5B18 Lazy G Undercover Red |
Z43 Lazy G Vanetta Born 04-08-2019 b/w 48 lbs Very nice homozygous black fullblood heifer sired by Lazy G Undercover Red a Neron son, who has been putting some size on his offspring! >More Details, Pictures and Pedigree |
4F15 Lazy G Tina 4F15 U25 Lazy G Infra-Red |
Top of the Range Tina Born 04-19-2018 b/w 46 lbs >More Details, Pictures and Pedigree |
5J12 Lazy G Rozlyn 3C5 5J12 6D23 Lazy G Red Obsession |
3C5 Lazy G Rozlyn Born 05-05-2021 b/w 45 lbs Beautiful black fullblood 2 year old heifer pasture-exposed to Lazy G Rubicon for a 2024 calf. >More Details, Pictures and Pedigree |
5J19 Lazy G Free Red 3E1 5J19 4E15 Lazy G Renegade |
3E1 Lazy G Free 3E1 Born 05-14-2021 b/w 72 lbs Aberdeen/Akaushi/Simmental cow. >More Details, Pictures and Pedigree |
5H12 Lazy G Tara U4 5H12 6D23 Lazy G Red Obsession |
U4 Lazy G Tara Born 05-14-2020 Beautiful fullblood cow >More Details, Pictures and Pedigree |
5H10 Lazy G Susanna 5B12 5H10 6D23 Lazy G Red Obsession |
5B12 Lazy G Susanna Born 05-09-2020 >More Details, Pictures and Pedigree |
4H3 Lazy G Sadie 4H3 6D23 Lazy G Red Obsession |
Lazy G Sadie Born 04-29-2020 >More Details, Pictures and Pedigree |
5H17 Lazy G Rachel 5H17 6D23 Lazy G Red Obsession |
U3 Lazy G Rachel Born 05-19-2020 >More Details, Pictures and Pedigree |
7H34 Lazy G Maddie 5F26 7H34 4E15 Lazy G Renegade |
5F26 Lazy G Maddy 5B17 5F26 Born 07-07-2020 b/w 63 lbs Percentage cow >More Details, Pictures and Pedigree |
3M3 Lazy G Jade 6A10 3M3 6D23 Lazy G Red Obsession |
6A10 Lazy G Jade Born 03-10-2019 >More Details, Pictures and Pedigree |
8H35 Lazy G Sophie T1 8H35 Lazy G Infrared |
Lazy G Sophie Born 08-19-2020 >More Details, Pictures and Pedigree |
3M7 Lazy G Cleo 7D25 3M7 6D23 Lazy G Red Obsession |
7D25 Lazy G Cleo 7B26 7D25 Born 03-24-2024 Beautiful red fullblood heifer! >More Details, Pictures and Pedigree |
3M8 Lazy G Rachel U3 3M8 6D23 Lazy G Red Obsession |
U3 Lazy G Rachel Born 03-16-2024 Beautiful black structurally correct fullblood heifer! >More Details, Pictures and Pedigree |
3M12 Lazy G Maddy 5B17 3M12 6D23 Lazy G Red Obsession |
5B17 Lazy G Maddy Born 03-20-2024 Beautiful Black percentage heifer-a great start for your herd! >More Details, Pictures and Pedigree |
3M15 Lazy G Tina 4F15 3M15 6D23 Lazy G Red Obsession |
4F15 Lazy G Tina 4F15 Born 06-20-2024 Another beautiful black fullblood heifer >More Details, Pictures and Pedigree |
4M25 Lazy G Tania 4F9 4M25 Vitulus Has to be Red |
4F9 Lazy G Tania 4F9 Born 04-03-2024 Fullblood heifer with some great outcross genetics! EDED (homozygeous black) >More Details, Pictures and Pedigree |
4M28 2J1 Lazy G Rubicon |
5H10 Lazy G Susan 5B12 5H10 Born 04-22-2024 b/w 40 lbs Another great looking red fullblood bull with some great genetics! >More Details, Pictures and Pedigree |