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    Lowline Angus were developed in Australia from an Angus herd which was established at the Trangie Research Centre in 1929 to provide quality breeding stock for the NSW (New South Wales) cattle industry.

    Trangie's foundation stock were purchased first from Canada , then Canada, the United States and Scotland. They showed successfully at the Sydney Royal Show through the '50s, with 4 champion bulls as well as supreme champion in 1954 & 1955. They closed the herd to outside animals in 1964.

    In 1963 the emphasis at Trangie switched to research, and the Australian Meat Research Committee asked them to conduct a project aimed at establishing the role of performance recording in the breeding program of a herd. Equal emphasis was to be given to weight gain and to visual conformation score in the selection of replacement bulls and heifers. The project continued until 1970, pioneering performance testing in Australia, and demonstrating successfully the usefulness of measuring performance in a stud herd.

    From 1971 to 1973 trials were conducted using objective measurement and appraisal by experienced stud breeders in the selection of replacement bulls and heifers. The herd was divided into two, with the results indicating that performance testing compared with the assessment of experienced stud breeders assessing growth potential.

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