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4L26 Lazy G Be Red 4E17 4L26
6D23 Lazy G Red Obsession | 4E17 Lazy G Be Red 2C3 4E17        
Born 04-28-2023

Beautiful red cow with some great marbling genetics! >More Details, Pictures and Pedigree


2M2 Lazy G Free Red 5J19 2M2
4E15 Lazy G Renegade | 5J19 Lazy G Free Red 3E1 5J19        
Born 02-28-2024

Akaushi/Aberdeen cross heifer. >More Details, Pictures and Pedigree


3M12 Lazy G Maddy 5B17 3M12
6D23 Lazy G Red Obsession | 5B17 Lazy G Maddy        
Born 03-20-2024

Beautiful Black percentage heifer-a great start for your herd! >More Details, Pictures and Pedigree


4M24 Lazy G Maddie 7H34 4M24
6D23 Lazy G Red Obsession | 7H34 Lazy G Maddie 5F26 7H34        
Born 04-02-2024

Another great calf to start your herd! >More Details, Pictures and Pedigree


4E15 Lazy G Renegade | 5F26 Lazy G Maddy 5B17 5F26        
Born 03-25-2024 b/w 57 lbs

Nice red 1/2 blood bull >More Details, Pictures and Pedigree


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