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Words of Wisdom

"Buy or co-op a good bull with a neighbor, but by all means get the best bull possible
because a cheap bull is the most expensive animal on the place!."


6D23 Lazy G Red Obsession | 6A10 Lazy G Jade        
Born 02-13-2023 b/w 42 lbs

Fullblood bull that carries the red gene >More Details, Pictures and Pedigree


6D23 Lazy G Red Obsession | U4 Lazy G Tara        
Born 04-14-2023

Well-balanced black bull out of one our foundation cows. >More Details, Pictures and Pedigree


Vitulus Has to be Red | 5        
Born 03-30-2024

>More Details, Pictures and Pedigree


Vitulus Has to be Red | 5H17 Lazy G Rachel 5H17        
Born 03-30-2024

Great outcross genetics on this 'Has to be red' son. >More Details, Pictures and Pedigree


6D23 Lazy G Red Obsession | 5B12 Lazy G Susanna        
Born 06-12-2024

Nice black bull out of a great Murrumbong Roulette grand-daughter. >More Details, Pictures and Pedigree


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